In order to install Jenkins Continuous Integration server, you will need Java installed, and optionally Apache Ant and Maven. Download the latest RedHat rpm, don’t worry, the RedHat rpms are noarch
so they will install on Tizen without any issues. Install the rpm.
$ wget
$ rpm -ivh jenkins-1.645-1.1.noarch.rpm
Copy the code below into a file named jenkins.service
and upload it to the /etc/systemd/system/
Description=Jenkins Daemon
ExecStart=/usr/local/java/bin/java -jar /usr/lib/jenkins/jenkins.war
You can either autostart Jenkins on each boot or start it manually (I recommend you to start it manually). To make Jenkins run automatically on each boot:
$ systemctl enable jenkins && systemctl start jenkins
To start it manually, just type:
$ systemctl start jenkins
If you need Apache Ant and/or Maven, just download the binary archives from their respective websites and extract them somewhere (preferably /usr/lib/
, creating the /usr/lib/ant
and /usr/lib/maven
directories.), then point the ANT_HOME
variables to those directories.
$ export ANT_HOME=/usr/lib/ant
$ export MAVEN_HOME=/usr/lib/maven
Check out the Jenkins documentation for more info about how to configure and work with your new CI server.